zaterdag 15 november 2008

Marv Albert sexual assult trial (by Greet Heyse)

Marv Albert had a career as an NBC broadcaster. He had to travel a lot and at a certain time he began a relationship with Vanessa Perhach. Also because he had to travel, they saw each other only sporadically. This relationship was sexual almost from the very beginning and It lastet for 10 years. Marv Albert fantasized a lot about participating in threesomes with another male and after a while, Marv started asking Vanessa to bring another person. The sex they had, was mostly very rough. And beyond the declarations on the 12. of Februari in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Alexandria,Vanessa hadn't brought another person for the threesome and Marv was a bit angry and bit Vanessa in the back and also forced her to have oral sex. In the beginning, Marv Albert denied all the facts. But the bitemarks on the back of Vanessa where quite obvious. But Albert's defense brought up some clear arguments. They said that the relationship and the acts were entirely consensual and there had to be said again that the acts between the sheets were quite rought but they both agreed with that. Vanessa wanted the oral sex because she wasn't on birth control at that moment. Also she wanted revenge because Marv was going to end the relationship to mary another woman. In addition the defense said that Perhach was "collecting" celebrities because she already had a relationship with ABC anchor Peter Jennings.

In the trial that started at Sept. 22. there was also another woman, Patricia Masten that claimed to be bitten by Albert.

Eventually Marv Albert was given an 12-month suspended sentence. Judge Benjamin Kendrick also ordered Albert to continue having counseling. If he doesn't commit any crime in the following 12 months his plea of assult and battery will be exspunged from his criminal record.

It is not that easy to deduce whather Marv was right or one of the woman was right. It is a secret between the two persons with the relationship. I can surely understand that Patricia and Vanessa aren't very pleased with the decision of the judge. But in a way they had agreed for a long time the rough manners of Marv Albert and they liked it, otherwise they wouldn't have such a long relationship with him and now suddenly they think he has gone too far. Ok, I know that it not pleasant to be assulted like that but I honestly have my doubts about the women. They had a reputation of having several man and Vanessa is perhaps hunting celebrities to destroy their reputation, I can see why the judge has given Albert another chance. But if it happens again and the opposite is proven, he should be more than severly punished.


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